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小白药 (蚍虫林)










小白药 (蚍虫林) 2%呋虫胺颗粒剂,三证齐全,国家定点农药企业生产。本品不仅可以杀灭各类植物虫害和土壤虫害,还能增强植株抵抗力,预防虫害。本品可有效防治花卉、多肉等植物上的蚧壳虫、蚜虫、红蜘蛛、菜虫、蕈蚊(俗称小黑飞)等害虫。有低毒性和缓效性,持效时间长。



方法1:每盆植物 1-2g 具体盆的大小适当调整使用量, 埋在靠近根部的土壤里,适量浇水让颗粒融化被植物根系吸收。

方法2:种植前于土壤混合均匀,每 1L 土壤混合:1-2g。


***药效长达 40 天左右。***





Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide for preventing and controlling scale insects. It comes from Japan. Its main ingredient is acephate, which is a low-toxic pesticide.


2% Imidacloprid granules, complete with three certificates, produced by a national designated pesticide enterprise. This product can not only kill all kinds of plant pests and soil pests, but also enhance plant resistance and prevent pests. This product can effectively control pests such as scale insects, aphids, red spiders, cabbage insects, mushroom mosquitoes (commonly known as small black fly) on flowers, succulents and other plants. It has low toxicity and slow effect, and lasts for a long time.



Method 1: 1-2g plants per pot The size of the specific pots should be adjusted appropriately, and the pots should be buried in the soil close to the roots, and water should be properly watered to allow the particles to melt and be absorbed by the roots of the plants.

Method 2: Mix evenly in the soil before planting, mixing per 1L of soil: 1-2g.


***The product is effective for about 40 days. ***

If the plant is larger, increase the dosage.


It can be sprinkled directly on the surface of the soil, but the medicine must be evenly applied, not too concentrated, or it can be mixed into the soil for use, and the mixing must be even, and then increase the amount of use according to the growth of the plant.

茵语 制高点®  2%蚍虫林颗粒剂小白药 Gardening Insectide

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