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昆虫捕捉粘性黄板 篮板

Perangkap Serangga Pelekat Serangga

Fruit Fly Flies /Insect Yellow Sticky Trap Sticker Flies


Color Available : YELLOW / BLUE


size :20cm x 25 cm


1. Pilihan warna:


Papan kuning menentang lalat hitam, kutu daun, rama-rama putih kecil, lalat putih, Liriomyza, labah-labah merah, pembaris musim bunga, rama-rama emas, paramecium, lebah pir, lebah jarum, kutu kuning pir dan rama-rama lain, nyamuk, Lalat dapat menarik serangga yang melekit dan membunuh serangga dewasa dengan kesan yang luar biasa.


Papan biru mempunyai kesan pembunuhan yang baik pada thrips, sawah padi, kumbang, Chilo suppressalis, cacing renda katun, dan cacing daun.


📌 One of the safest ways to control pest population in your garden

📌 Insects mostly aphids, whiteflies are attracted to the yellow colour and then stuck on the yellow trap

📌 Also available in blue colour trap which can attract thrips

📌 Different pest has different way of seeing wavelength of colours

📌 Can trap more than 20 kinds of pests

📌 Such as whiteflies, thrips, Liriomyza sativae, Bernisia tabaci, green bugs, black-winged whiteflies, jumping beetles, aphids, small green leafhoppers and moths in your garden or orchard.

📌 Suspension Method :

- Use the attached metal rope and tie it to the hole.

- For small plant, you can also cut the sticker into an ideal size and place the sticky trap tightly on a holder and insert the holder into the ground.




⚫ Strong Glue

⚫ Dual sided sticker (Both sides have sticky glue)

⚫ Long-lasting

⚫ Rainproof

⚫ No harm chemical



📌 控制花园害虫数量的最安全方法之一

📌 昆虫主要是蚜虫,粉虱被黄色吸引然后卡在黄色陷阱上

📌 还有可以吸引蓟马的蓝色陷阱

📌 不同的害虫对颜色的波长有不同的看法

📌 可诱捕20多种害虫

📌 如花园或果园中的粉虱、蓟马、斑潜蝇、烟粉虱、绿虫、黑翅粉虱、跳甲虫、蚜虫、小绿叶蝉和飞蛾。

📌 悬挂方法:

- 使用附带的金属绳并将其系在孔上。

- 对于小型植物,您还可以将贴纸剪成理想的尺寸,然后将粘性陷阱紧紧地放在支架上,然后将支架插入地面。




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⚫ 强力胶

⚫ 双面贴(两面都有粘胶)

⚫ 持久

⚫ 防雨

⚫ 无有害化学物质

昆虫捕捉 粘性黄板 Perangkap Serangga  Pelekat Serangga Insect Yellow Sticky Trap

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