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【Authorized Distributor by 护花神 HU HUA SHEN】


护花神 病虫清套装



高效 环保 健康 安全



1盒 3支


-苦参。蛇床素 **对付 白粉病 烟煤病 炭蛆病 霜霉病

-苦参碱 ***对付 蚜虫 白粉病 介壳虫 蓟马 黑星病 半点落叶病 疫病 枯萎病

-矿物油 **对付 红蜘蛛 白蜘蛛 叶螨







This product is made of 100% natural plant extracts, and it is efficient, environmentally friendly, healthy, and safe.

One box contains three bottles, which are:

Sophora flavescens extract: used to control powdery mildew, anthracnose, clubroot, and downy mildew.

Matrine: used to control aphids, powdery mildew, scale insects, spider mites, black spot disease, leaf spot disease, blight, and wilt.

Mineral oil: used to control red spider mites, white spider mites, and leaf mites.


One box contains three bottles, which are:

---Sophora flavescens extract: used to control powdery mildew, anthracnose, clubroot, and downy mildew.


---Matrine: used to control aphids, powdery mildew, scale insects, spider mites, black spot disease, leaf spot disease, blight, and wilt.


---Mineral oil: used to control red spider mites, white spider mites, and leaf mites.



Spraying: Mix one bottle with 500ml of water, spray it evenly on the plants and the back of the leaves, and repeat every 7-10 days.

Root irrigation: If there are pests in the soil, mix one bottle of the product with 500ml of water and irrigate the roots along the edge of the pot.





护花神 病虫清套装 insecticide insect neem oil

RM8.80 Regular Price
RM5.50Sale Price
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