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BRAND : 仙葩


防治对象:介蚧壳 虫白粉 虱蚜虫 等

30ML Insecticide

仙葩 6%阿维啶虫脒 阿维菌素啶虫脒复配药 绿植植物花卉 多肉 防治介蚧壳虫白粉虱蚜虫农药杀虫剂


仙葩 6%阿维啶虫脒是由阿维菌素和咤虫眯复配而成的杀虫剂,具有长效高效稳定低毒适用于各种植物。主要作用于害虫 神经系统活动,通过刺激害虫释放Y-氨基丁酸和乙酰胆碱受体双 重作用,导致害虫麻痹,停止取食而死亡。具有触杀、胃毒、内吸和渗透作用。









30ML Plant High efficiency Low Toxicity Insecticide

This productis a long-lasting, efficient, stable and low-toxic insecticide suitable for all kinds of plants. It mainly acts on the nervous system of pests by stimulating the release of Y-aminobutyric acid and acetylcholine receptors, resulting in paralysis and death by stopping feeding. It has tactile, gastric, systemic and osmotic effects.


How to use 👇

Spraying:2 drops Insecticide+100ml of water and spray the plants, Spray once every 10-15 days, alternating use with other insecticides



🌟Avoid use in windy and rainy conditions

🌟Wear mask and gloves when using this product

🌟Avoid direct contact with eyes and skin

🌟Wash hands after use.

🌟Avoid contact with food

仙葩 6%阿维啶虫脒 (蚧壳虫)Scale insect pesticide

RM25.00 Regular Price
RM18.80Sale Price
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