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PH 试纸

PH Test Strips


Size: 4 x 0.5cm each strip

80 strips per book (price stated is per book)

With pH chart, easy to refer

Sealed in plastic bag to prevent oxidation which may affect accuracy of pH reading



Test pH level of liquids such as aquarium water, drinking water/ other beverages, cosmetic, soap, lotion, skincare products, urine, saliva, etc.



Take a small amount of water from aquarium (or other liquids that you would like to test) and put in a small clean cup. Just a few drops of water is sufficient.

Tear off one pH strip and dip into the water briefly (just dip and take out, dont leave the strip in the water).

Wait few seconds for the pH strip to change colour.

Compare the colour on the pH strip to the pH chart.

Write down the reading immediately! The result only display temporarily (cannot keep the strip for record because the reading will change after long contact with air, the chemical on the pH strip will oxidize).


**pH 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, above 7 is alkaline**



DO NOT pour the tested liquid back into the original source (eg. aquarium water). Once you have used the pH strip on the liquid, discard the liquid and also the pH strip.

This pH strip is unable to measure weak solution/ solution with acidic or alkaline concentration of 0.01% or below.

This pH strip is unable to measure 0.1-0.9 pH level (eg. pH 5.7 - the chart only reads pH5 or pH6)

Keep the unused pH strips sealed and away from light.

After testing with the pH strip, please note down the reading immediately!! The result will change after exposed for too long.


尺寸:每条 4 x 0.5 厘米

每本书 80 条(标价为每本书)


密封在塑料袋中以防止氧化影响 pH 读数的准确性








从水族箱中取少量水(或您想要测试的其他液体)并放入干净的小杯子中。 只需几滴水就足够了。

撕下一条 pH 试纸并短暂浸入水中(只需浸入并取出,不要将试纸留在水中)。

等待几秒钟,让 pH 条变色。

将 pH 条上的颜色与 pH 图表进行比较。

立即写下测试结果! 结果仅暂时显示(不能保留试纸记录,因为长时间接触空气后读数会发生变化,pH 试纸上的化学物质会氧化)。




**pH 7 为中性,低于 7 为酸性,高于 7 为碱性**






不要将测试过的液体倒回原始来源(例如水族馆的水)。 在液体上使用 pH 试纸后,丢弃液体和 pH 试纸。

此 pH 试纸无法测量酸性或碱性浓度为 0.01% 或以下的弱溶液/溶液。

此 pH 试纸无法测量 0.1-0.9 的 pH 水平(例如 pH 5.7 - 图表仅显示 pH5 或 pH6)

将未使用的 pH 试纸密封并避光。

用 pH 试纸测试后,请立即记下读数! 暴露时间过长,结果会发生变化。

PH 试纸 PH Test Strips  80 Strips  pH Tester  Litmus Paper Fish Aquarium ph paper

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