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花多多1号: 通用型肥料 适合大部分植物


花多多3号:适合花卉,菊花类,各种花卉 提高品相


花多多 12号:球根植物,多肉, 盆栽 高钾肥

花多多211:适用于水培植物和花卉, 多肉植物, 兰科植物红掌等


"Peter's No.1: Universal fertilizer suitable for most plants.

Peter's No.2: Promotes flowering and blooming.

Peter's No.3: Suitable for flowers, chrysanthemums, and other types of flowers, improves appearance.

Peter's No.10: Suitable for foliage plants.

Peter's No.12: Suitable for bulbous plants, succulents, potted plants, high-potassium fertilizer.

Peter's No.211: Suitable for water-grown plants, flowers, succulents, orchids, and Anthuriums."




Type: No.1 Balance common Use

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content ratio 1:1:1 (20:20:20) is a balanced fertilizer, which can be used by most plants.

It can be used by most of the plants. It can provide the plant with fast nutrition during the growth period, flowering period, and after the melon and fruit have blossomed, and can be added to irrigation water to neutralize the excessive alkali in the water. The all-round formula facilitates flowering and fruiting. It can also be used during the growing to ripening period of fruit trees to add sweetness and fruit flavor.


Type: No.02 Blossom Booster

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content ratio 1:3:2 (10:30:20)

The main function of No.2 is to promote the differentiation of flower buds, before and after flowering, it can promote the flowering of plants, prevent flower and fruit drop, and improve the quality of fruits.


Type: No.10 High nitrogen compound fertilizer Small seedling growth, leafy green plant type fertilizer

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content ratio 3:1:1 (30:10:10)

The high nitrogen content can effectively promote plant growth and development, meet the demand for nitrogen elements during the rapid growth period of plants, and also make the leaves of green leafy foliage type plants more dense green and bigger


Osmocote Exact Slow Release Fertilizer No1

Osmocote 14-14-14 controlled release fertilizer is engineered to help deliver bigger, greener plants. This fertilizer is composed of water-soluble nutrients. The granular formula is coated with a film of plastic resin. This product has a slow release effect of 3-4 months for annuals, perennials,



花多多1号2号10号进口水溶肥 奥绿肥1号慢性肥


NO.1 均衡通用肥


可提供植物生长期,开花期,瓜果谢花后 营养快速补充,添加在灌溉水中,可中和水中过多的碱。全方位配方利于开花结果。并且在果树生长期到成熟期使用可以添加甜度和水果风味


NO.02 促进开花型催花肥




NO.10 高氮复合肥 小苗生长,观叶绿叶植物型肥料




奥绿肥1号通用长效控释肥缓释花肥 慢性肥

Osmocote 14-14-14慢性肥的设计有助于提供更大、更绿的植物。整个季节只需要施用一次肥料。这种肥料由水溶性营养物质组成。颗粒状的配方上有一层塑料树脂的薄膜。该产品在施用后,对一年生植物、多年生植物和短期作物有3-4个月的缓释效果






撒土使用法用量:4寸盆 1-3克; 5寸盆 2-4克; 6寸盆 3-7克; 8寸盆6-14克

Peters Professional High Quality Water Soluble Fertilizer 花多多水溶肥缓释肥

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