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Bacillus Subtilis Loose soil essences


1000g per pack

200g per pack




肥料成分: 有效活菌数 有机质 腐植酸















1g fertilizer + 1000ml water or 5g mix with soil

suitable for all kind of potted plant/flower, Fruit tree, vegetables.

Spraying on plant leaves or watering around plant roots in 7-10 days


Bacillus Subtilis

Product usage: 25g of Bacillus Subtilis mixed with 25L of water(rain water/storage water is the best), stir well, spray or watering around fruit tree/crops/vegetables root area. Using it in the morning before 10am or eveing after 4pm.

For better result, using this once a week for the first month and follow by twice a month. This will improve the microbial family growing in the soil to suppress the soil borne diseases.


***Kindly avoid fungicide/bacteria disinfectant during the treatment period! This will reduce the growing of the Bacillus Subtilis.


Mixing Bacillus Subtilis with Trichoderma Harzianum for significant result, interested buyer kindly DM for the formula.

Bacillus Subtilis Pro

Bacillus berbentuk rod, gram positif yg umum ditemui dalam tanah, ia mampu membentuk endospore pelindung yg tahan lasak, mampu hidup dalam condisi kawasan yang tidak memuaskan ( contohnya suhu panas), boleh hidup dalam pH4-9. Bacillus subtilis dpt menggalakkan pertubuhan akar tanaman dan penyerapan nutrisi yg lebih berkesan dan banyak.


Bacillus Subtilis Pro ni lebih aktif dan kandungannya lebih banyak daripada biasa 10 kali ganda.


Sasaran Penyakit

Phytophora spp. Aspergillus ssp. Pythium ssp. Botryris cinerea, Sclerotium rolfsii, Sclerotinia spp.dan Ustilogo spp. Dan sebagainya.


-25gram/25liter (air simpanan/air hujan/air kolam/air sungai),2 minggu sekali siram pada kawasan akar tumbuhan.

*Elakkan pada masa kuat matahari dan tidak boleh campur dgn ubat kimia

Bacillus Subtilis Loose soil essences 枯草芽孢菌杆菌肥

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