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Cocopeat Block 椰砖

CocoCHIP Block 椰块砖


5kg (±0.5kg)

volume: (≈70L of cocopeat)

volume: (≈70L of cocochip)



Cocopeat block natural (coconut coir) - Low salt level. Very suitable for growing vegetables and annuals / flowers / seeds

Bongkah Sabut Kelapa semulajadi - kandungan garam yang rendah. Sangat sesuai untuk tanaman sayur-sayuran dan bunga semusim / biji-benih.





Uses of Cocopeat

Excellent growing medium for hydroponics and container plant growing

Advantages of using Cocopeat

1) The properties of cocopeat make it resistant to bacterial and fungal growth

2) Cocopeat holds water rather than shedding it like traditional peat does! It holds 6 times its weight in water

3) Cocopeat has the ability to store and release nutrient to plants for extended periods of time. It also has great oxygenation properties which is important for healthy root development

4) It has a pH of 5.2-6.8 which is neutral to slightly acidic. This makes it great for alkaline garden soils

5) Cocopeat can even be reused for up to 4 years!

6) It makes a great bedding material for worm bins! It’s actually good for them and increases worm growth by 25%

7) Cocopeat is very slow to disintegrate; it only begins to break down when it is 10 years old, long term benefits

8) It is very light and easy to handle


How To Use

Immerse the block in water and when it has expanded, it's ready to use!

Expands up to 70 liter!

Important Note : As product is made from natural materials, there could be discrepancies in the weight & dimension of product due to compression methodology, weather conditions, moisture level and others.


Coco peat (gegambut sabut kelapa) ialah medium penanaman 100% semulajadi. Coco peat dijemur sehingga kering di bawah sinar matahari, diproses untuk menghasilkan benda yang lain dinamakan blok (bongkah) coco peat, briket coco peat, tablet coco peat dan lain-lain. Sabut yang bersih mempunyai hormon pengakaran semulajadi dan berciri-ciri anti-kulat. Coco peat mengandungi kandungan lignin yang tinggi dan selulosa yang menghalangnya daripada terurai dan mengecut.

Kegunaan cocopeat:-

Medium penanaman yang mantap untuk hidroponik dan penanaman di dalam bekas.

Cara penggunaan

Rendamkan bongkah di dalam air dan setelah mengembang, ia sedia untuk digunakan!

Dapat mengembang sehingga ke 70 liter!


可可泥炭是一种 100% 天然的生长介质。 这种在自然阳光下晒干的椰糠被加工成不同的产品,即椰糠块、椰糠块、椰糠片等。干净的椰壳具有天然的生根激素和抗真菌特性。 可可泥炭含有大量的木质素和纤维素,可防止其分解和收缩。




1) 椰糠的特性使其能够抵抗细菌和真菌的生长

2) Cocopeat 能保持水分而不是像传统泥炭那样脱落! 它在水中的重量是其重量的 6 倍

3) 椰糠具有长时间储存和释放养分给植物的能力。 它还具有很好的氧化特性,这对健康的根系发育很重要

4) pH值为5.2-6.8,呈中性至微酸性。 这使其非常适合碱性花园土壤

5) Cocopeat 甚至可以重复使用长达 4 年!

6) 它是制作蠕虫箱的绝佳铺垫材料! 这实际上对它们有好处,可以使蠕虫生长速度提高 25%

7) 椰糠分解非常缓慢; 它只有在 10 岁时才开始分解,长期受益


9) 它可以与任何常规成分结合使用,作为混合器或独立产品使用



可扩展至 70 升!


5kg Cocopeat Block Bongkah Sabut Kelapa 椰糠 椰块 椰砖

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